Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's amazing that I have now collected over $2,500 to take with me in donations.  One gentleman said he will donate if I can get a PayPal button on my blog, so now anyone can donate from anywhere in the world and even while I am in India!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thank you! the donations are just pouring in!

I want to thank all our supporters and well wishers out there.  For those of you who cannot make donations with money, you good wishes are enabling so many others to come forth.  I have now collected $2000 to take with me and still have up to Nov 19 to do whatever else I can.  When a friend asked me if she could mail me a small donation, I shared this with her:

My son collected spare pennies (which ultimately became spare change when he got good at it)  from every single adult he met, he rolled them up and got to donate $20.  I took a photo of the parents to whom that $20 went to buy books and uniforms for their child, it was a tear jerker both ways.  Here is her reply, there are so many creative ways to raise funds....

I'll pop it in the mail. Yes it is true about every little bit adding up. I'm planning for a trip to Liberia (looks like it's happening, amazingly!) and it has been fun to see how people jump at the chance to contribute. There have been large contributions and smaller ones, and they are all beautiful. A friend works at a local community centre and said I can have all the "empties" from the centre each week :-).